Monday, February 29, 2016

Challenge Photo

1. I like the reflection the best.
2. This shot is amazing because it makes you look hard to discover what the reflection is of, but you can also look at the whole photo and it looks nice.
3. I used the emphasis technique.
4. It was a challenge because I didn't have a lot of good subject matter to work with, but I was still able to get a great shot.
5. My element of art is form and my principle of art is emphasis.

Friday, February 12, 2016


1. For the last image I did, but the others didn't have a main centerpiece to put on a line.
2. I used contrast, repetition, and emphasis.
3. The first 2 were taken in the morning and the last was taken mid-day.
4. I used the foreground/background relationship to emphasize the contrast between sky and land.

Edge Burn

Channel Mixer

Lab Color Method

Gradient Map

Desaturation Method

1. I think the Lab Color method produced the best results for me.
2. Yes, I did. The Lab Color method provided the most range though.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Landscape Detail

1. It was cool, it makes it easy to get the close-up shot you want.
2. My favorite shot is the one with the tree leaf. It's my favorite because it is positioned the best of all the shots and it's the cleanest looking.
3. The one with the leaf shows the best example of the rule of thirds.