Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt

11. A part of a building

Extra Credit 4. A person with a busy background

4. Loneliness

1. An ant looking at food

6. Someone who stands out in a crowd

3. A three year old looking at an adult

12. A door knob

Extra Credit: 5. A person with a plain background

8. A photo at noon

Extra Credit: 1. Something shiny

Extra Credit: 2. A moving vehicle with a busy background

2. A bird looking at the ground

10. A building

5. Excitement

Thursday, September 17, 2015


1. My favorite space image is the one of the pool, because it's very artsy and both displays space well because the subjects are in an empty pool, and it is Tumblr worthy.
2. My favorite texture image is the one of the flower because you can feel like you're touching the inside of the petals and the stamen, and also because the color is very vibrant and appealing.

Friday, September 11, 2015


1. My favorite color picture is the purple one, because I like how you can see the reflection of the trees on the purple metal and it shades them purple.
2. I believe it does because it ranges from the whiteness of the sunshine under her arm to the dark grey in the right side corners.

Friday, September 4, 2015


5 of my own photos:

5 photos I wish I had taken:

5 Questions:
1. The quality I like best about my shots is the emphasis on the focus points of the shots.
2. My favorite shot is my second one, of the hole in the wall.
3. I wish I could capture action shots with my photographs.
4. My favorite found shot is of the snowboarder spraying powder because it's a cool action shot with a minimalist vibe, since almost all the shot is white.