Friday, November 20, 2015


#2 Crop In Tight

#3 Rule Of Thirds

#1 Feet Selfie

#5 Personal Choice

#6 Self-Representation
(I like editing, so a keyboard is fitting.)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Formal Portraits

1. My favorite portrait is the top one, because his head is offset and that looks unique.
2. The easiest part of the process was clearing the skin of blemishes, or cropping if that counts.
3. The hardest part was whitening the eyes and teeth. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Formal Portraits

1. I think the third photo, the left side, asymmetrical positioning worked the best because even though he's in shadow, it details his face nicely and adds a solemn effect to the photo.
2. I think the bottom right positioning was the least effective because it didn't accentuate the person enough, too much background. Is it an environmental portrait? Is it not? Who knows?

Friday, October 23, 2015

Light Painting & Writing with Light

Drew Gettler, Scott Salavitch, Jared De Vilbiss, and Matthew Mangkuorahardjo
1. Writing with Light

2. Painting with Light

3. Writing and Painting with Light

4. Light Up A Face

Friday, October 9, 2015

Principles of Design









My favorite photo is the Repetition photo of the ukelele, because the angle it was taken at and the starting point at the headstock makes it very cool. It also displays it's principle well because of the repetition of the leading lines which brings the focus to an intersection of the Rule of Thirds grid.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Photo Essay Questions

1. Photographer Dima Gavrysh normally is off in exotic places such as Afghanistan, Chernobyl, or Uganda, but for this project he kept it close to home in New York City, where he came in early and left late at a local coffeehouse called Abraco, where he photographed one of the last great coffeehouses that treats their coffee with reverence, and the diversity of the customers that enjoy that coffee.
2. This happened because Dima Gavrysh wanted to go behind the scenes and highlight the inner workings of a classic coffee shop that practiced the old fashioned ways of producing their coffee.
3. He told this story because when he was spending time in this coffee shop that he would go to before this photo essay, and he recognized the atmosphere as "full of love", this captured his intrigue and decided to take an extensive look into the life of this little coffeehouse.
4. They make me feel at ease. I can picture myself sitting in the corner doing some work on my laptop with my fresh cup of joe watching the people pass by. The pictures give me a sense of vibrance and life, especially when I look at all the different people.
5. Absolutely, it wouldn't be a photo essay without them. The photos accompany the feelings Dima Gavrysh talks about and when you read about his feelings toward the experience, you can look at the photos and search for the evidence of the those feelings and the subjects of the photos that evoke those same emotions he felt when he captured the shot.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt

11. A part of a building

Extra Credit 4. A person with a busy background

4. Loneliness

1. An ant looking at food

6. Someone who stands out in a crowd

3. A three year old looking at an adult

12. A door knob

Extra Credit: 5. A person with a plain background

8. A photo at noon

Extra Credit: 1. Something shiny

Extra Credit: 2. A moving vehicle with a busy background

2. A bird looking at the ground

10. A building

5. Excitement