Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Narrative Still Life

1. These objects represent me because I like money, I wear Vans more than any other shoe, I'm currently planning on going to SBCC, I use hair ties for my bun, I have a car and driver's license, I have my blue belt that has been with me forever, and lastly, I have some Native American ancestry in me that I'm proud of.
2. I like the organization of the items the best.
3. I used variety in the color, emphasis with certain items, and form with the foreground and background.
4. I could make my items pop out of the image just a little bit more.
5. Possibly some of them, but not all of them. Some items last forever, but some wear out and can't be used anymore.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Forced Perspective

1. The egg shot is the most believable because she could actually be holding a large plastic egg above her head.
2. The last shot is the most interesting because it's as if a giant is picking her up.
3. It was difficult to think of ideas for the shots.

Product Ad

1. I used Expo markers because they have a lot of color, which is fun for ads.
2. My big idea was to promote the color in the markers.
3. I used a rainbow theme with diffused lighting from the side.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Good/Bad Ads

Good Ads

Bad Ads

Abstract Blog Assignment

1. My favorite image is the keyhole image because it allows you to see something you normally couldn't see, the inside of a keyhole.
2. The keyhole image shows form, color, and texture very well.
3. The principles used in the keyhole image are contrast and emphasis.
4. My favorite image and filter combination is the keyhole image because the filter gives it a variety of colors on the metal.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Still Life and pg. 260

1. My still life represents the adventurous attitude you should have towards life represented by the adventurous nature of flying.
2. The lighting in this image is direct.
3. The composition could be improved in the phone shot by changing the position of the plane and diffusing the light more. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Burst Sequence

1. My favorite part of this image is the tightness of the shots, like how close to each other the bodies are.
2. The most difficult part of this process was working with the layer masks.
3. The easiest part of this process was taking the photos.